

Bruno Massare

Bruno Massare was born in Buenos Aires, where he currently resides. He is director at Agencia TSS (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) and he is currently president of the Argentine Network of Scientific Journalism (RADPC). He teaches journalism at Universidad Nacional de Moreno and he also teached at Editorial Perfil-Fundación Favoloro’s Diploma of Scientific Journalism. Until November 2015 he was the editor in chief of Information Technology magazine and he has written for Le Monde Diplomatique Cono Sur, Agencia Prensa Latina, Página/12, El Cronista Comercial, Clarín, Revista Ñ, Trespuntos, Revista TXT and Rolling Stone Argentina, among other media. He received distinctions such as the ADEPA Award for Scientific Journalism and the Sadosky Prize for Journalistic Research. He graduated with a degree in Journalism and he’s doing PhD studies in Social and Human Sciences at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes at present.