

Alejandra Xanic

She has collaborated with various media in Mexico and the United States. She started as a local reporter for the newspapers Siglo 21 and Público, in the city of Guadalajara, and later as a reporter for the Mexican edition of Cambio magazine, in Colombia, and editor at Expansión magazine. For many years he covered emigration, health and the environment, the growth of drug trafficking and political assassinations. She has worked on investigations for The New York Times and Propublica. With NYT reporter David Barstow, she exposed that Wal-mart paid millions of dollars in bribes to expand throughout Mexico. Barstow and Xanic received the Pulitzer Prize for this research. Xanic is a workshop facilitator, teaches journalism at CIDE and is co-founder and director of Quinto Elemento Lab, an organization that advises, finances, produces and disseminates investigative reports proposed by journalists in Mexico.